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Prepare for Storms

7/9/2024 (Permalink)

Lightning in a dark sky. Storms can be dangerous weather events that leave destruction to your property.

Storms can be dangerous weather events that leave destruction to your property as well as cause injuries. Below is a checklist to make sure your home and family are best prepared for any storms, so that you, your loved ones, and your home can stay safe.  

  • Prepare a Storm Shelter. Include essential supplies such as food, water, a first aid kid, flashlights, and batteries to last a few days in the case of a severe storm or tornado.  
  • Clear Branches and Dead Trees Around Your Home. The high-speed wind of storms can send dead branches or even trees crashing through your windows, siding and roof. Clearing these objects away from your house is an easy way to make sure they do not cause any damage.  
  • Secure Outside Objects.  If a bad storm is coming up, move large outdoor objects inside to prevent damage to your house and those objects.  
  • Document Your Valuable Items. Take pictures of valuable items that you can use to show to your insurance provider. If they are damaged or lost in the storm, you’ll have better luck with your claim if you have documentation. Include date of purchase and purchase amount if you have that as well. Bonus points for saving receipts!  
  • Protect Your Pets. When preparing for storms, pets’ needs can be forgotten about. Make sure to have a plan in place for your pets, whether that is in your storm shelter or if that means having them in a separate safe location for when the storm hits. 

SERVPRO® Can Help Your Business

6/10/2024 (Permalink)

Water damaged commercial facility. SERVPRO is committed to reduce business interruptions and recovery costs.

SERVPRO® is committed to providing expert fire and water cleanup and restoration services to reduce business interruptions and recovery costs. Our team can also provide specialized commercial cleaning services to maintain the best appearance of your facility. 

  • Fire, Smoke and Soot Cleanup and Restoration: Pretesting helps us determine what type of fire has taken place. Knowing the types of smoke and their behavior patterns are vital to proper restoration. 
  • Water Removal and Dehumidification: Our professionals identify the source and type of water which determines the proper course of action. Drying equipment controls temperature and humidity, minimizing secondary damage. 
  • Biohazard and Vandalism Cleanup: SERVPRO franchise technicians are trained to safely and effectively clean biohazardous substances and prepare waste for proper disposal according to OSHA, EPA, and state and local health regulations. 
  • Mold Mitigation and Remediation: Our professionals work to control and remediate mold contaminants while protecting your health and safety. 
  • Contents Claim Inventory: Accurate inventory helps keep cost low and reduces job completion time. Our professionals can provide an itemized, area-by-area loss inventory. 

Celebrate the 4th of July with Safety in Mind

6/7/2024 (Permalink)

Colorful fireworks against a dark sky. Celebrating the 4th of July can be a blast – literally.

Celebrating the 4th of July can be a blast – literally. When getting ready to celebrate the long weekend, it’s important to take note of the proper safety precautions to avoid series injury or potential fire hazards when grilling or setting off fireworks to celebrate Independence Day. 

Tips for Grilling Safely 

  • Keep your grill at least 10 ft. away from the walls of your home, garage, etc.  
  • Never leave a lit grill unattended.  
  • Never add starter fluid to ignited coals. 
  • Use long-handed grilling equipment to avoid getting burned. 

Safely Setting Off Fireworks 

  • Stay at lease 500 ft. away from a public, live firework show. 
  • Keep a fire extinguisher or a supply of water nearby in case any fireworks do cause a fire. 
  • Never hold any part of your body directly over a firework as you light them to avoid burning your hands, face, chest, etc. 
  • Keep fireworks out of the reach of children. Always keep children within your sight if they are playing with sparklers. 
  • If a firework does not go off, do not attempt to light it again. 

If an unavoidable fire disaster does occur to your property, know that SERVPRO® is available 24/7/365 to help you with every step of the fire restoration process. 

Bonfire Season Is Coming

6/7/2024 (Permalink)

Bonfire in the dark. Follow these tips to have fun and safe summer nights!

Surrounding a campfire with loved ones creates special memories that you can cherish forever. Putting forth safety measures when having a bonfire can lessen the chances of having fire related injuries and property damage. Follow these tips to have fun and safe summer nights! 

Starting the Fire 

  • Make sure your fire pit is enclosed and there is enough room for a seating area. 
  • Make sure that your bonfire is 10 feet away from your home or any structures. 
  • Do not use gasoline or lighter fluid to start or light the bonfire. 

Bonfire Safety 

  • Keep a bucket of water or hose handy in case of emergencies. 
  • Do not leave the bonfire unattended. 
  • Keep children and pets away from the bonfire. 
  • Do not throw fireworks into the bonfire. 
  • Do not burn aerosols or anything that may produce toxic fumes or explode. 

Putting Out the Fire 

  • Slowly pour water over the ashes and check to be sure that the fire is completely out. 
  • Use a shovel to spread out the ashes to let them cool down. 

Preparing Your Business for Restoration After a Disaster

6/6/2024 (Permalink)

A SERVPRO team leader discusses restoration plans at a business. If a fire, flood or any other cause damages your business, you can always count on us for restoration assistance.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned as the owner of a business? 

Many business owners say they have found it’s not always possible to plan for the future—or to see an event that will impact your business coming. Others say they’ve had to find new ways to engage with their customers and continue providing services.  These are essential lessons that carry on to other parts of the business, too. It’s crucial to have a plan in place to help you deal with the different types of disasters that business owners can face, like fires, flooding or severe storms. 

Because SERVPRO® Team Miller wants to be a resource for business owners in our area, we’ve put together some powerful tips to help you if you ever need commercial restoration services. 

What You Need to Know About Starting a Restoration Project 

The majority of business owners can open their doors again after a fire or flood damages their business. It’s possible to not only open again but also to be more successful. 

Here’s how we recommend you start the process: 

  • Your disaster plan is a crucial component. Invest in a disaster plan before you need it and do everything you can to follow it in the aftermath of a fire, flood or another type of natural disaster. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when your business is damaged, so knowing what you will do in advance helps. You may want to think about moving your business to a backup location so you can continue operating. 
  • Document all your damage. You’ll want to take plenty of pre-cleanup photos of your property to show your insurance company. It’s smart to inventory the items inside your business that were damaged, compromised or destroyed. Include the values of these items on your inventory list. 
  • Don’t forget to update your community. Providing your suppliers, your employees, your customers and your wider community with regular updates about your progress, a temporary location or your reopening is essential. 
  • Set up an ERP with Team Miller. We can prepare an Emergency Response Profile to prevent unpredictable seasonal weather from catching you off guard. The profile sets up priority response, a customized restoration plan before an emergency occurs, a single point of contact for multiple facilities and provides local as well as national coverage. 

If a fire, flood or any other cause damages your business, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have crews who are available 24/7 in the event of an emergency.

Water Damage? Call SERVPRO®!

6/5/2024 (Permalink)

Water soaked carpet with green air mover. SERVPRO is here to be your one-stop water damage cleanup and restoration authority.

If you are grappling with the aftermath of water damage, you need the problems resolved as quickly as possible. Keep handy the name and number of a local cleanup and restoration company like SERVPRO®. Our job is to provide state-of-the-art service to our customers that need expert water damage restoration. 

What You Can Expect from a Water Damage Restoration Service  
When you contact us to assess your problem, we will respond by sending a team of friendly, knowledgeable service technicians to your home or business.  

  1. We will make a full inspection and assessment of your property, making sure to note where all the damage and future potential trouble spots lie.  
  2. We find the source of the water intrusion, if not visible, for repair.  
  3. We identify the type of water damage to determine if it is contaminated (such as black water from a sewage backup or groundwater intrusion), to use the correct and safe extraction method.  
  4. Once we have completed this initial diagnosis, we provide you with a full estimate of the cost involved.  We even help with the insurance claims process. 

Contact Your Local SERVPRO 

SERVPRO is here to be your one-stop water damage cleanup and restoration authority. For all fire, mold, and water issues, we are fully equipped and qualified to address and solve them quickly. 

Smoke and Soot Damage Can Cause a Pervasive Odor

6/5/2024 (Permalink)

Soot covered doorway. Smoke and soot are very invasive.

Smoke and soot are very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allow us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.   

Smoke and Soot Facts 

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure. 
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor. 
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process. 

Different Types of Smoke 

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO® will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information: 

  • Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber 
    • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean. 
  • Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood 
    • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises. 
  • Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire 
    • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor.